/Women in Computing Charter

Women in Computing Charter


This organization shall be known as Women in Computing @ ORNL.


Women in Computing (WiC) @ ORNL is an informal networking group consisting of ORNL staff, students, and collaborators of all genders interested in creating a more favorable work environment for women in computing at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The group is also focused on developing current staff to grow into leadership roles and attracting new female students/postdocs to grow into future staff.


Women in Computing is open to any interested persons at ORNL, including staff members, subcontractors, interns, and students, on a voluntary basis. Membership is open to all, and WiC comprises members from various divisions at ORNL.



Executive Committee positions are elected. Annually, WiC committee members will ask for nominations for open positions. The candidate with the most votes—or who is the sole nominee—will be selected to serve in the described position for one year or until another committee member is chosen for the position in the annual elections. The Executive Committee regularly attends WiC meetings, participates in and supports outreach and lab events, and divides event duties amongst one another.


The Chair manages the group and is responsible for communications, activities, and frequency of meetings. The group will meet once quarterly at a minimum. The Chair will serve a term of one year. If two persons wish to hold equal responsibility for the Chair position, they shall be named Co-Chairs. The same person(s) cannot serve as Chair or Co-Chair(s) consecutively; however, Chairs and Co-Chairs may be reelected after a period of at least two years. If there is no candidate or candidates to take over as Chair or Co-Chairs, the presiding Chair or Co-Chairs will remain until a new candidate is identified.


The WiC Core Committee Members will serve a one-year term unless elected for one or more contiguous terms. The Core Committee consists of 5–8 supporting members.


The WiC Human Resources Liaisons are assigned to the Computing and Computational Sciences division of ORNL and support WiC’s mission by resolving questions and providing support regarding new hires, recruitment and retainment, burden codes, chargeable time, and other HR-related topics.


The WiC Finance Advisor supports WiC’s mission by resolving questions and providing support regarding budget and expenses.


There shall be regular meetings for WiC on a date and place to be designated by the Executive Committee. Each meeting shall be held at a specified location or virtually via Microsoft Teams and announced to members of WiC. WiC shall send a notice of each regular meeting to each member of WiC. Meetings shall be open to everyone.


All Executive Board members shall attend at least 50% of meetings. Members are encouraged to attend meetings regularly.